744 Shenango Rd. Suite 2, Beaver Falls, PA 724-847-4301

Google Local Service Ads

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  • Google Local Service Ads
pay-per-lead advertising


Not Pay-Per-Click

Only pay for verified phone calls that fit your business category and geography. Click on the video to learn more.

  • Pay for phone calls, not clicks
  • Turn it on and off at will
  • Low Cost Per Lead
  • dDaniel R.O.I. to Cash Register

dDaniel participated in the pilot run of this relatively new Google product that debuted in 2018. It's called Google Local Service Ads. In short, after the interested business goes through a background check, they receive the 'Google Guarantee' insignia on their ad that will headline the results from specific searches. Instead of paying for clicks, you only pay for verified phone calls to your business.

Google Guarantee carries a money-back guarantee somewhat similar to the Good Housekeeping seal. In most markets, the cost per lead is low and the percent of advertising spend per sale is very low.

The down side is weak closing ratio, but the beauty of this product is that you can turn it on and off at will. When your lead activity is weak, turn it on.

dDaniel delivers a full R.O.I. (Return on Investment) report with this product. Want more information? Click on my video. It's a good marketing tool to have in your toolbox.

Google Partner

Pay for phone calls, not clicks.

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digital advertising

Digital Marketing


This image talks about Google Local Services Advertising and how to measure this digital advertising product.
Google Local Service Ads
dDaniel participated in the pilot run of this relatively new Google product that debuted in 2018. It’s called Google Local Service Ads. Only pay for verified phone calls, not clicks. Build, manage and measure.
marketing and advertising planning and analytics
Search Engine Marketing
In the S.E.M. and display ad network, the prime ingredient we bring to the equation is experience. Our experience knows the value of all marketing products that are in the mix and how they fit, digital and conventional.
This talks about how to measure Facebook advertising
Measuring Facebook Ads
Maximizing results from social media takes serious experience. dDaniel is a full service advertising agency that began in 1953, and we are highly experienced in all marketing disciplines.
digital & traditional

Marketing Analytics


marketing and advertising planning and analytics
Proprietary C3PB
This proprietary tool is foundational to a clean marketing formula. Its worth many thousands, but dDaniel offers it at no charge to interested parties...and what sound peace of mind it delivers!
Cost Per Sale Advertising Measurements
Cost-Per-Sale Reports
The dDaniel proprietary CPS (Cost-Per-Sale) report will give you a clear view of your entire marketing spend by individual media. CPS (Cost-Per-Sale) Report is the Master Key. True media measurement.
Marketing Analytics Insights
The Utopian Glove
It's true, newspaper circulation is shrinking, but the homes that do subscribe represent the gold standard in marketing. They are an older demographic, living in older homes, with the most money to spend